Costume Designer

Suzan Kay Frierson, Costume Designer

Suzan was taught to sew by her mother. Although never without a sewing project, she eventually realized that her true gift was her talent for helping others. She earned her Master’s Degree in Nursing from Vanderbilt University and worked for over a decade as a neonatal intensive care nurse at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee.

When her brother Eddie began his research on the life of Christy Mathewson, it was apparent to her that he was now the one in need of her help. On a shoestring budget and with a deadline to get the trial version of Matty on stage, Eddie came to Suzan with a proposal for her most challenging project.

Working only with old photos of Christy Mathewson and a model vintage uniform, Suzan designed the patterns for the costumes used in this production. With Bettye Davies, she diligently cut, trimmed and stitched. The show’s uniform and suit were completed in time, a remarkable accomplishment.

The costumes worn in all future performances are copies made from her patterns. The originals are being held for future display at the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York.

This production is due in large part to Suzan’s dedication, involvement and support throughout the evolution of the MATTY project.

There will never be a better big sister.

Tragically, Suzan was taken from her family in a fatal automobile accident.  She passed away on Valentine’s Day, 1992. All performances of MATTY past and present are dedicated in loving memory to her.